[焦点] 时间:2025-03-22 08:54:04 来源:Evan Bernard网 作者:知识 点击:13次
皇马又又又赢了,马德国王冠军 ,到终点是马德不是国王发的冠军,这个是到终点不是很厉害
!到终点开心!马德哈哈哈!到终点我们学习英文 ,马德马德里万岁~Neymar shoots!库尔图瓦Courtois.小心 他们从后方插上 球没有出界Watch out,到终点 theyre getting in behind. The balls not going out of play.没出界 回传It doesnt. He lays it back!姆巴佩破门得分 巴黎圣日耳曼进球了Mbappé scores. Goal for Paris Saint-Germain.但进球无效 越位了But it wont count. Its offside.皇马很走运 这个进球因越位被判无效Fortunately for Madrid, the goals disallowed for offside.大家显然都松了一口气The sense of relief is palpable.但好景不长But not for long.小心高吊球 姆巴佩冲了上来Watch out for the clearance. Here comes Mbappé.姆巴佩还在奔跑...阿拉巴必须拦下他Mbappé still going. Still going. Alaba needs to stop him.姆巴佩 、阿拉巴...姆巴佩得分Mbappé-Alaba. Mbappé-Alaba. Mbappé scores.漂亮的马德进球 - 姆巴佩得分 0比1What a goal. - Mbappé scores. 0-1.(皇家马德里 0比1 大巴黎 第39分钟 总比分 0比2)他著名的加速His famous acceleration.用脚弓射门Hits it with the inside of his foot.(RMC电台 丹尼尔里奥洛)姆巴佩的这一粒进球太惊人了That goal from Mbappé is absolutely incredible.库尔图瓦把球快速传给莫德里奇Courtois clears it quickly to Modrić.大巴黎有三名球员在前场 但皇马没时间了PSG have three players up front, but theres no time for Madrid.上半场结束Its halftime.(皇家马德里 0比1 大巴黎 中场休息 总比分 0比2)上半场比赛完全延续了 在巴黎时出现的情况The first half was a complete continuation of what happened in Paris.基利安姆巴佩Kylian Mbappé(欧足联技术观察员 罗伯托马丁内斯)寻找空当 制造了很多次威胁was finding space, creating a lot of threat.我认为皇家马德里的球员们 在巴黎就知道自己不如大巴黎And I think Real Madrids players know that in Paris they werent as good as PSG.我想他们知道在第二场比赛中 有一些关键时刻 感觉不可能赢I think they know there were key moments in the second leg when it was gone.两个队的差距似乎是巨大的The difference between the two teams seemed to be absolutely enormous.我们必须打进两个球才能追平We had to score twice to level the tie.(皇家马德里俱乐部主教练 卡尔洛安切洛蒂)大巴黎是非常强的球队Paris is a very strong team.(前锋 9号卡里姆本泽马)当时我们0比1落后 但我们还是觉得能赢It was 0-1 to them, and we still thought we were going to win.我们的球迷也这么想And our fans thought so too.在这个艰难时刻 他们也在支持着我们They were right behind us at this difficult moment.我们感觉 如果进步一点点 如果向前走一步We felt if we improved just a little, if we took one step forward,我们就能得分 延续取胜的希望then we could score and get back into the game.皇家马德里在下半场 必须打进两球才能扳平Real Madrid come out of the second half needing to score twice to tie the game.面对任何对手 这都是个艰巨的任务Its a huge ask against any opponent,更不用说对方还有基利安姆巴佩了let alone one with Kylian Mbappé in its ranks.小心内线传球 能进吗?Watch out for the pass inside. Whats it going to be?球进了 - 越位了Goal. - Its offside.确实看起来像越位 - 是的It does look offside. - Yes, it is.又一粒进球被判越位Another goal ruled out for offside.皇马再次死里逃生Another close call for Madrid.我们需要等待一次机会We needed to wait for a chance.因为那样就一切皆有可能Because then, anything could happen.这个机会要靠自己把握And that chance can come by seizing the moment.卡里姆本泽马给守门员施压Karim Benzemas pressuring the goalkeeper.传回去了...Knock it back! Knock it back!球进了... - 扳回一城 好球Goal! Goal! - Game on! Lets go!(皇家马德里 1比1 大巴黎 第61分钟 总比分 1比2)这是守门员的一次失误Its a mistake by the goalkeeper,但这是对其施压导致的but it comes from putting them under pressure.我给守门员施压 而全队都跟上了I put the keeper under pressure, but the whole teams closing in.我们丢球了 但维尼就在那里We lose the ball but Vinis there.他继续施压 于是我们得分了He keeps the pressure up and we score.在那个进球后 一切都变了After that goal, everything changed.那个进球是比赛的转折点The goal proved a turning point in the game.梅西试图摆脱莫德里奇Messi tries to get away from Modrić.莫德里奇和梅西Modrić and Messi.漂亮 好样的 卢卡Nice one! There we go, Luka!加油Come on!从那之后 大巴黎的状态没了 皇家马德里一飞冲天From then on, PSG disappear and Real Madrid take off.表现极佳They reach an incredible level.他们从低迷的位置一步步爬上来They start at the bottom and grow.大巴黎从巅峰跌落PSG starts at the top and sinks.球迷因球队的卷土重来激动不已The fans are up for the comeback.后来的事情就是那样了And then what happens happens.卢卡斯盯防内马尔Lucas keeping an eye on Neymar,他今天状态不佳whos not really been in the game.莫德里奇加速 没人能追上他Modrić takes off. No one can catch him.把球传给维尼修斯 维尼修斯杀入禁区Plays the ball through to Vinícius. Vinícius inside the box!停球 他需要卡里姆接应 任何人都行 他快要没有施展空间了He holds it up. He needs Karim there. Or anyone. Hes running out of space!把球回传He plays it back.球落到了球门前方的莫德里奇脚下 莫德里奇传给了禁区里的卡里姆The ball falls to Modrić in front of goal. Modrić to Karim inside the area!球进了Goal!(皇家马德里 2比1 大巴黎 第76分钟 总比分 2比2)卡里姆本泽马的 第二个进球让两队回到同一起跑线Karim Benzemas second goal draws the teams level.再进一个球 皇马就能晋级下一轮Score one more, Madrid would go through to the next round完成不可思议的翻盘in an unthinkable comeback.难以置信 - 发起进攻Unbelievable. - Lets go!加油 看他表演Lets go. Look at him.维尼修斯 还是他 马尔基尼奥斯解围Vinícius. Still Vinícius. Marquinhos clears.球进了Goal!(皇家马德里 3比1 大巴黎 第78分钟 总比分 3比2)这就是皇家马德里 - 是的This is Real Madrid! - Yes, sir!卡里姆进球时 球场沸腾了When Karim scored, I think the stadium went crazy.我们整个球队沸腾了We as a team went crazy.这是这支球队和球迷的伟大之处The greatness of this team and its fans.我看到保安的椅子 我就举了起来Then I saw this chair from the security, and I lifted it.我不知道原因 不知道自己怎么想的I dont know why, I dont know how it comes through my head.我不知道当时是怎么回事I dont know what happened there.(后卫 3号埃德尔米利唐)他举起了那把椅子 结果火爆全网He picked up that chair and it went viral.(点赞 阅读量 分享)(达维德阿拉巴 你不许坐在椅子上)你还有那把椅子吗? - 我还有呢 对Do you have the chair? - I do have the chair, yeah.抛开庆祝不谈But despite the celebrations,球队必须再坚持长达12分钟之久the team has to hold on for another 12 long minutes.局势变了Things changed.(2013年至2022年 皇家马德里俱乐部 14号卡塞米罗)我们要强得多 我们甚至有更多得分机会We were much better. We even had more chances to score.卢卡斯...漂亮Lucas! Lucas! What a move!被防守队员破坏了Cleared by the defenders.打门 - 左脚Shoot! - On the left foot,换右脚 又换回左脚 打偏了on the right, on the left again. It goes wide!传给内马尔 结束了 比赛应该结束了He passes to Neymar. Its over! This has to end!吹哨吧 裁判Blow the whistle, ref!他必须吹哨了 结束了...He has to blow the whistle! Its over! Its over!(皇家马德里 3比1 大巴黎 最后比分 总比分 3比2)皇家马德里赢了Real Madrid have won!皇家马德里晋级下一轮Real Madrid are through to the next round!皇马晋级了Madrid are through!卡里姆本泽马上演帽子戏法A hat trick for Karim Benzema!我们刚刚见证了伯纳乌的奇迹What weve just witnessed in the Bernabéu is incredible!太棒了Bravo!皇家马德里有自己的氛围和神秘性Real Madrid with its atmosphere, its mystique--这支球队相信反败为胜The team believed in the comeback.他们背水一战 再加上正确的战术和一点运气They had nothing to lose, and with the right tactics and a bit of luck,他们得以取胜、晋级they were able to win and qualify.就是到终点这样...皇马就是这样获胜And this! And this! This is how Madrid wins!我们想要看到球场今天的样子We wanted to see the stadium like it was today.我们需要球迷We needed the fans.(本场最佳球员 9号卡里姆本泽马)今天的胜利属于他们So today the victory is theirs.那天的比赛结果可能是伯纳乌见证过的What happened that day is probably the most extraordinary thing最神奇的事了thats ever happened in the Bernabéu.几乎没人相信皇马可以逆风翻盘Few believed that Madrid could stage an upset and beat PSG.(Atresmedia传媒 何塞普佩德罗尔)战胜夺冠热门的全明星球队大巴黎The favorites. The all-star team.这支球队有卡塔尔大量资金支持 令人难以想象A team with all that money from Qatar. It was hard to imagine.我们赢了...This is how we do it! This is how we do it!加油 皇家马德里 我们再接再厉Lets go! Real Madrid! Lets keep going like this!我见了一个朋友 我这么说 他可能会生气I met up with a friend, who may get angry with me for saying this,但他住在莫德里奇隔壁but he lives next door to Modrić.我说:“你怎么看?”And I say, "So what do you reckon?"(Cadena Cope电台 帕科冈萨雷斯)
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